Do you need to freshen up your business website for 2022, or can you make it with a few content updates?
This is a question we see potential clients ask themselves (and us) quite often. The decision to invest in a new web presence, or not, can be a big one. On the one hand, no business owner likes to spend money if they don’t have to. But on the other hand, an underwhelming website can cost you sales and credibility every day.
So, to help clear things up for you, today we want to give you four clear signs it’s time to make a change and upgrade your business website with something newer, faster, and more impressive…
Sign #1 – Your Web Pages are Looking Tired
Sometimes, you can tell a website needs to be replaced just by looking at. We aren’t referring to layouts that are slightly unbalanced or need new fonts. We are talking about the situations where it’s obvious your site was designed a long time ago and hasn’t been updated recently.
Having an outdated website might not seem like a big deal, but it sends a terrible message to your customers and prospects. If you think yours has fallen behind the competition, take it as a sign you need to make some changes.

Is it 2021 or 2003? Your website may not know!
Sign #2 – Your Website Loads Slowly or Causes Errors
Web usage surveys have shown that the average first-time visitor to your site will only hang around for a few seconds before they click away. That means you have just brief precious moments to convince them to spend more of their time looking at your content.
If your website is slow because of bad hosting, outdated plug-ins, or other issues, then you’ll never get the chance to win a new customer. Likewise, error messages are annoying and signal that your website can’t be trusted.

Does this turtle and your website have something in common?
Sign #3 – You Don’t Have a Mobile-Friendly Layout
Did you know that more than half of all internet traffic originates from smart phones and tablets? Many of the business owners we deal with realize this intuitively but never make the connection to their own websites.
Simply put, your pages have to display cleanly on smaller screens. Otherwise, you can bet potential customers on mobile devices – who, don’t forget, and could make up more than 50% of your new customer base online – are going to take their time and money elsewhere.

Based on a true story.
Sign #4 – You’re Seeing Declining Business Results
Sometimes it’s hard to put a finger on exactly what’s wrong with your business website, but your online analytics or sales figures tell a clear story. When website visits, walk-in traffic, and other indicators are all pointing in the wrong direction, it’s time to rethink your strategy.
It’s easy for the owners of established businesses to forget, but a business website is often a new customer’s first point of contact with your company. It’s where searchers, referrals, and even members of the media look to find out more when they’re curious about your business. Make sure that what they see in your website content and web design convinces them to work with you.

A picture speaks 1000 words.
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Want to move past the latest fads and find ways you can use the internet to make your business more profitable? Tired of spending too much time and money on your website while still falling behind the competition? We can help. Contact our team of creative business growth professionals today to schedule a free consultation and get the personalized answers you need. Or you can fill out our convenient website quote request form to get a proposal delivered right to your inbox.

Professionals in web design since 2001